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Generic summary function for drBootSpline objects


# S3 method for drBootSpline
summary(object, ...)



object of class drBootSpline


Additional arguments. This has currently no effect and is only meant to fulfill the requirements of a generic function.


A dataframe with statistical parameters extracted from the dose-response bootstrapping analysis.


conc <- c(0, rev(unlist(lapply(1:18, function(x) 10*(2/3)^x))),10)
response <- c(1/(1+exp(-0.7*(4-conc[-20])))+stats::rnorm(19)/50, 0)

TestRun <- growth.drBootSpline(conc, response, drID = 'test',
        control = growth.control(log.x.dr = TRUE, smooth.dr = 0.8, nboot.dr = 50))
#> === Bootstrapping of dose response curve ==========
#> --- EC 50 -----------------------------------------
#> Mean  :  0.921083726803184 StDev :  0.0690941768442813 
#> 90% CI:  0.918810528385007 90% CI:  0.92335692522136
#> 95% CI:  0.918375235070888 95% CI:  0.923792218535479
#> --- EC 50 in original scale -----------------------
#> Mean  :  1.51201124925663 
#> 90% CI:  1.50630743466571 90% CI:  1.51772804449807
#> 95% CI:  1.50521669320972 95% CI:  1.51882423324712

#>   drboot.meanEC50 drboot.sdEC50 drboot.meanEC50y drboot.sdEC50y
#> 1       0.9210837    0.06909418        0.5299059      0.1016443
#>   drboot.ci90EC50.lo drboot.ci90EC50.up drboot.ci95EC50.lo drboot.ci95EC50.up
#> 1          0.8074238           1.034744          0.7856591           1.056508
#>   drboot.meanEC50.orig drboot.ci90EC50.orig.lo drboot.ci90EC50.orig.up
#> 1             1.512011                1.242124                1.814385
#>   drboot.ci95EC50.orig.lo drboot.ci95EC50.orig.up
#> 1                1.193853                 1.87631