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Generate a grouped results table for linear fits with average and standard deviations


table_group_fluorescence_linear(flTable, html = FALSE)



An object of class flTable


(Logical) Should column headers contain html formatting?


A data frame with grouped linear fit results. Empty cells indicate that no reliable fit could be determined.


# \donttest{
# load example dataset
input <- read_data(data.growth = system.file("lac_promoters.xlsx", package = "QurvE"),
                   data.fl = system.file("lac_promoters.xlsx", package = "QurvE"),
                   sheet.growth = 1,
                   sheet.fl = 2 )
#> Sample data are stored in columns. If they are stored in row format, please run read_data() with data.format = 'row'.

# Run workflow
res <- fl.workflow(grodata = input, ec50 = FALSE, fit.opt = "l",
                   x_type = "time", norm_fl = TRUE,
                   dr.parameter = "max_slope.spline",
                   suppress.messages = TRUE,
                   parallelize = FALSE)

#>             Sample|Conc. slope_max lagtime        dY     Y_max x_start(mumax)
#> 1       pSEVA634∙GFP | 0                                                     
#> 2      pSEVA634r∙GFP | 0                                                     
#> 3     pSEVA634rκ∙GFP | 0    75.796  23.666   376.798  2228.283             16
#> 4    pSEVA634∙GFP | 0.01   262.266  17.259  5820.567  7503.259             30
#> 5   pSEVA634r∙GFP | 0.01                                                     
#> 6  pSEVA634rκ∙GFP | 0.01   225.688  13.904  3020.995  4880.808             15
#> 7    pSEVA634∙GFP | 0.05   658.849  10.171 15562.241     17045             16
#> 8   pSEVA634r∙GFP | 0.05   307.497  14.566  3856.069   5224.49           14.5
#> 9  pSEVA634rκ∙GFP | 0.05   385.864   7.481  6056.345  7883.268             10
#> 10    pSEVA634∙GFP | 0.1   786.634   1.892 18027.038 19670.602            2.5
#> 11   pSEVA634r∙GFP | 0.1   514.144  11.836  6070.424  6990.424             15
#> 12  pSEVA634rκ∙GFP | 0.1   404.264   6.785  7467.593  9260.697           15.5
#> 13    pSEVA634∙GFP | 0.2   810.584   2.174 18686.014 20250.899            3.5
#> 14   pSEVA634r∙GFP | 0.2    540.02  11.918  6008.673  7054.127             15
#> 15  pSEVA634rκ∙GFP | 0.2   391.915    6.01   7526.82  9138.889             16
#> 16    pSEVA634∙GFP | 0.5   820.283   1.388 18860.637 20504.202              5
#> 17   pSEVA634r∙GFP | 0.5   494.059  11.004  6225.536  7150.065             15
#> 18  pSEVA634rκ∙GFP | 0.5    429.55   7.469  7650.517  9370.143           15.5
#> 19      pSEVA634∙GFP | 1   877.851   2.083 17785.309 19449.102            3.5
#> 20     pSEVA634r∙GFP | 1   559.313  12.303  6148.718  7412.869             16
#> 21    pSEVA634rκ∙GFP | 1   395.584   6.293  7763.536  9317.992             15
#>    x_end(mumax)
#> 1              
#> 2              
#> 3          19.5
#> 4          34.5
#> 5              
#> 6            20
#> 7            20
#> 8          19.5
#> 9          14.5
#> 10          6.5
#> 11           19
#> 12           20
#> 13          8.5
#> 14         19.5
#> 15           20
#> 16            9
#> 17         19.5
#> 18           20
#> 19            8
#> 20         19.5
#> 21           20

# with HTML formatting
DT::datatable(table_group_fluorescence_linear(res$flFit$flTable, html = TRUE),
              escape = FALSE) # Do not escape HTML entities
# }