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Generate a grouped results table for spline fits with average and standard deviations


table_group_fluorescence_spline(flTable, html = FALSE)



An object of class flTable


(Logical) Should column headers contain html formatting?


A data frame with grouped spline fit results. Empty cells indicate that no reliable fit could be determined.


# load example dataset
input <- read_data(data.growth = system.file("lac_promoters.xlsx", package = "QurvE"),
                   data.fl = system.file("lac_promoters.xlsx", package = "QurvE"),
                   sheet.growth = 1,
                   sheet.fl = 2 )
#> Sample data are stored in columns. If they are stored in row format, please run read_data() with data.format = 'row'.

# Run workflow
res <- fl.workflow(grodata = input, ec50 = FALSE, fit.opt = "s",
                   x_type = "time", norm_fl = TRUE,
                   dr.parameter = "max_slope.spline",
                   suppress.messages = TRUE,
                   parallelize = FALSE)

#>           Sample | Conc. slope_max lagtime     Y_max        dY x(slope_max)
#> 1       pSEVA634∙GFP | 0    92.267  15.547  3427.126  2135.701         20.5
#> 2      pSEVA634r∙GFP | 0    30.773  31.287  1470.992   282.714           20
#> 3     pSEVA634rκ∙GFP | 0    64.176  20.813  2196.189   630.596           16
#> 4    pSEVA634∙GFP | 0.01   242.558  14.983  7592.801  6072.997         23.5
#> 5   pSEVA634r∙GFP | 0.01    64.653  21.671  2384.304  1128.582           19
#> 6  pSEVA634rκ∙GFP | 0.01    205.58  12.566  4820.287  3196.134           18
#> 7    pSEVA634∙GFP | 0.05   509.395    6.96 17121.214 15989.029         21.5
#> 8   pSEVA634r∙GFP | 0.05   204.032  13.436  5206.543  3800.827         17.5
#> 9  pSEVA634rκ∙GFP | 0.05   290.961   4.674  7768.189  6299.664           13
#> 10    pSEVA634∙GFP | 0.1   670.985   0.373  20079.01 18869.536            6
#> 11   pSEVA634r∙GFP | 0.1   327.195   9.868  6840.378  5652.539           17
#> 12  pSEVA634rκ∙GFP | 0.1   335.244   3.651  9191.863  7723.924         17.5
#> 13    pSEVA634∙GFP | 0.2   728.625   0.554 20481.098 19589.302          6.5
#> 14   pSEVA634r∙GFP | 0.2   346.268   9.758  7000.845  5718.068         16.5
#> 15  pSEVA634rκ∙GFP | 0.2   320.247   3.214  9006.211  7463.562         17.5
#> 16    pSEVA634∙GFP | 0.5   774.054   0.247 20704.091 19571.651          5.5
#> 17   pSEVA634r∙GFP | 0.5   337.909   8.089  6952.687  6090.024         16.5
#> 18  pSEVA634rκ∙GFP | 0.5   351.644   4.845  9322.628  7720.204           18
#> 19      pSEVA634∙GFP | 1   779.134   0.462 19774.702 18757.659            6
#> 20     pSEVA634r∙GFP | 1   353.185   9.572  7189.597  5865.901         16.5
#> 21    pSEVA634rκ∙GFP | 1   338.827   5.016  9258.531  7551.009           18

# with HTML formatting
DT::datatable(table_group_fluorescence_spline(res$flFit$flTable, html = TRUE),
              escape = FALSE) # Do not escape HTML entities