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Generic summary function for flFitSpline objects


# S3 method for flFitSpline
summary(object, ...)



object of class flFitSpline


Additional arguments. This has currently no effect and is only meant to fulfill the requirements of a generic function.


A dataframe with parameters extracted from a nonparametric fit.


# load example dataset
input <- read_data(data.growth = system.file('lac_promoters.xlsx', package = 'QurvE'),
                   data.fl = system.file('lac_promoters.xlsx', package = 'QurvE'),
                   sheet.growth = 1,
                   sheet.fl = 2 )
#> Sample data are stored in columns. If they are stored in row format, please run read_data() with data.format = 'row'.

# Extract time and normalized fluorescence data for single sample
time <- input$time[4,]
data <- input$norm.fluorescence[4,-(1:3)] # Remove identifier columns

# Perform linear fit
TestFit <- flFitSpline(time = time,
                       fl_data = data,
                       ID = 'TestFit',
                       control = fl.control(fit.opt = 's', x_type = 'time'))

#>   max_slope.spline x.max.spline    lambda.spline max_slope2.spline
#> 1 242.557704041646         23.5 14.9826287460236              <NA>
#>   x.max2.spline lambda2.spline        y0.spline        A.spline
#> 1          <NA>           <NA> 1519.80363776351 7592.8006375136
#>          dY.spline  integral.spline reliable_fit.spline reliable_fit2.spline
#> 1 6072.99699975009 151370.675832013                TRUE                FALSE
#>   smooth.spline
#> 1          0.75